Am 20. Mai 2020 hat HCL das 5. Fix Pack für Notes/Domino 10.0.1 veröffentlicht. Das neue Fix Pack wird allen Kunden empfohlen, nicht nur denen, die aktuell Probleme mit Notes Domino haben. Falls ihr also Version 10.0.1 nutzt, installiert es einfach darüber. Das Fix Pack ist zudem sprachunabhängig, es ist also egal, welches Language Pack ihr nutzt. Weiter unten im Artikel findet ihr die komplette Fix-List zum neuen Fix Pack.

Die für euer System passenden Installationsdateien könnt ihr euch über das HCL Flexnet-Portal herunterladen. Hierzu braucht ihr einen HCL Customer Account, sowie eine regelmäßig verlängerte Notes Domino Lizenz. In unserem Blogartikel zum HCL Software-Download- und Lizensierungsprozess findet ihr unter dem Punkt 4 eine Anleitung zum HCL Software Download. Wie ihr euch im Flexnet Portal registriert, könnt ihr im entsprechenden HCL Artikel zu diesem Thema nachlesen.

Da ich persönlich das HCL Flexnet Portal noch ein bisschen unübersichtlich und verbesserungswürdig finde, hier noch ein kleiner Tip: Die Installationsdateien für das neue Fix Pack verstecken sich in eurer Download-Liste unter den "Paketen"

  • HCL Domino 10.0.1 Fixpacks und
  • HCL Notes 10.0.1 Fixpacks

Habt ihr Fragen oder Anregungen? Ruft uns einfach an unter 05251-288160 oder schreibt uns eine Mail an


Fixlist Notes/Domino 10.0.1 Fix Pack 5 (Quelle):

Admin Client
SPR# MSKABMDTDL - Admin Client - The Manage Views tool in the Administration client was showing an incorrect total for the sum of the view indexes when that total exceeded 2 GBs.  The value was wrapping to a lower value.  The individual view sizes however were listed correctly.  This has been fixed.

+SPR# ASHEBKPEBE -  Fixed a regression caused by an optimizer.   The ini AllowWildCardLookup=1 on the client will no longer hang the client under any condition.
+SPR# AYAVBLPEHP - Client - Mac - Catalina - fixed several intermittent crashes when running Notes on Catalina - exiting User Configuration dialog, opening Embedded ST \Day at Glance in a new window, exiting Notes Login dialog and exiting from Notes were some of the cases that would sometimes crash.  This regression was introduced in 10.0.1 FP4.
+SPR# AYAVBLRE24 - Client - Mac - Catalina - Fixed an issue where the Edit Location UI didn't show locations.  This regression was introduced in 10.0.1 FP4
+SPR# ECRABGLQPK - Client - Basic - Fixed a problem in the Notes basic client where some toolbar icons were showing the bidirectional version of the icon (right to left).  The following icons were impacted: Indent, Outdent, Indent First, Bullet, Numbered List. This regression was introduced in 10.0.
SPR# ECRABKZLJQ - Client - Fixed an issue where a mailto URL that had two or more '#' characters in the subject resulted in the subject being truncated in Notes.
+SPR# IFBTBM6D7A - Client - Mac - Fixed a problem where Mac Client translated builds were showing some menus in English.  This regression was introduced in 10.0.1 FP4
SPR# JNAOBJ5674 - Client - Fixed an issue where the database title overflows in the Workspace
SPR# KHORB6ZRCY - Prior to this fix some CD->MIME conversions would fail because the LMBCS string length for some HTML entities was not calculated properly, resulting in garbage at the end of the string.
+SPR# PLYSBMDUMM - This change fixes a bug that prevented the Domino SMTP Server from correctly parsing and storing nested Internet messages as EML attachments.  This regression was introduced in 10.0.
SPR# RKRYBMTPUA - Client - Mac - Catalina - Fixed an issue where the client would hang when using the calendar timezone drop down control with two finger scroll
SPR# RSSNBJJL9A - Client - Mac - Catalina - Fixed an issue on Macosx Catalina which slows down the Notes performance.
SPR# SANEBGZH2A - Client - fixed an issue where Notes client crashed when a user opened up a particular email with the preview pane open  Other details of fix in parent or original SPR
+SPR# SAPLBMTMAL - Client - Mac - Catalina - Fixed an issue where the ICS file did not launch with Notes on Catalina.
+SPR# SRAOBHGPND - Fixed an issue with Notes Federated Login (NFL) where NFL failed with an "Invalid argument" error when there was no match found in the list of configurations specified in the ID Vault.  This regression was introduced in 10.0.
+SPR# SSARBKGLP6 - Fixed an error during spellcheck with multilingual dictionaries on basic client in Windows. This regression was introduced in 10.0.
SPR# SSARBKWGLP - Client - Calendar - Fixed an issue where several months in the left sidebar calendar picker is not showing the last days of the month.
+SPR# TRANBLXFF9 - Client - Mac - Catalina - Fixed an issue where the user would see the Notes 9 splash screen on a 10.0.1 FP4 Mac OS NL build.  This regression was introduced in 10.0.1FP4.
+SPR# UTOOBK79AY - Client - Fixed an issue where the Notes client could not correctly display long filenames in MIME headers which were incorrectly folded.  This regression was introduced in 10.0.1 FP3
SPR# WDCABHFPYM - Fixed a problem where the Rest API was showing the incorrect version information.

+SPR# PJONAW7SSB - Designer - XPages - Fixed an issue here the Data palette drop down menu was blank resulting in being unable to define a new data source using the palette. This regression was introduced in 9.0.1 FP10

iNotes Web Access
+SPR# ASHEBKKKVD - iNotes - Fixed a problem where Layers in a from were not being rendered properly in browsers. This regression was introduced in 10.0.
SPR# DMDDBJ54XZ - iNotes - Fixed an issue where a second invitation is sent out when an update is made to a meeting
SPR# FPAIBMBKXT - iNotes - Fixed an issue where the Chair could not remove the Subject nor location from a meeting.
SPR# KKOOBL2A7M - Fix problem that button action is issued to incorrect URL on some incoming messages.
SPR# KKOOBL9CGU - Resolved issue that generating needless P tag on hitting enter on IE
SPR# KKOOBLB85M - Resolved issue that generating needless P tag on hitting enter on IE
SPR# KMOABJRBEV - iNotes - Disabled double-click to open attachments directly in iNotes ActiveX control if option to show extended confirmation for UK Cyber Essensials security practices is enabled.
SPR# KMOABJR7K5 - iNotes - Added option to show additional confirmation to open attachments or link to comply with UK Cyber Essensials security practices (Phone Message, Notebook, To Do, Home, Contacts)SPR# MSAHBH25ZC - Fixed an issue on in Safari on iPadOS 13 that logging in to iNotes leads to full mode desktop UI instead of Ultra-light mode for mobile devices.

SPR# ASHEBGZATW - LotusScript - Fixed an issue where the LotusScript StrToken function produced incorrect results if the delimiter contained two of the same character
+SPR# ASHEBMVBUM - Java - Fixed an issue where always return NULL. After an Eclipse e4 upgrade, the implementation to get the selfpart window is changed and the existing code was still using the old e3 way to get the selfpart window which caused an issue. This regression was introduced in 9.0.1 FP10.
SPR# HOKA99Y2PM - XPages - Fixed a problem with file upload where DBCS chars are corrupted by uploading a file whose name has over 45 DBCS chars.
SPR# JCUSBJL4H6 - DQL - Fixed an issue where partial timedate terms coupled with other terms were producing incorrect results
SPR# JCUSBJLRT9 - DQL - Fixed an issue in DQL where queries with complex boolean expressions were not correctly placing ORed terms under the proper boolean operator.
SPR# JCUSBJM5JG -DQL - Fixed a problem where certain DQL queries with many terms and complex boolean expressions had some terms erroneously executed and the results ANDed or ORed with the wrong intermediate results.
SPR JCUSBKPQRK - DQL - Fixed an issue where DQL Queries were incorrectly comparing field values to 0-length strings (text1 > ''), resulting in intermittently erroneously finding documents
SPR # JCUSBLJR4Z - DQL - Fixed a problem where DQL textual terms with leading single quotes (like '''''Quoted value ') were not functioning properly, finding an incorrect set of documents.
SPR# MGUOB4HP6B - The MIME to CD convert was not handling attached $RFC822.eml attachments created by Domino 4.6 correctly. New notes.ini was introduced MIMEConvertBlob=0 to disable this fix (on by default).
SPR# PJONB9B7R9 - Java - convertToMIME - This change fixes a race condition that could occur when creating uniquely named temporary files when converting RichText to Mime
SPR# RDJS8VENUN - XPages - Fixed an error with Xpages Startkeys Property when trying to return a variant containing datetime - Java.Io.Ioexception: Error While Serializing Domino View Container

SPR# ARUIBLZLMB - JVM upgraded to SR6FP5
SPR# BSPRBMMLEP - Fixed a potential deadlock during replication in NSFDbGetReplHistorySummary - init provided if needed which is off by default - to enable, set DEBUG_WRITE_LOCK_IF_REMOTE_DB=1
+SPR# CDUTBLARPL - Fixed an issue in Verse and iNotes where re-authentication was broken when deletion logging was enabled on a mail database. This regression was introduced in 10.0
+SPR# CSAHBDPJ7D - Disable DAOS option in autcat.ntf to avoid DAOS reset and extra log messages. This regression was introduced in 10.0.
SPR# CSAHBJGQHP - Server - Fixed some deadlocks that could occur during trash cleanup of documents contain file attachments stored in DAOS.
SPR# DANOBKXVE5 - Fixed a bug where a mail database deleted by adminp could be recreated by Repair if Cluster Symmetry is enabled.
SPR# HPRHBLBDJQ - Domino - fixed a crash during restart recovery in DbCheckExtendAllowed
SPR# JPAIBHQL4X - LDAP - Fixed a crash in LAP task - "Memory following pool block has been destroyed"
SPR# KBREBNBNME - Domino - W64 fix pack installer - fixed an issue where the W64 fix pack installer would sometimes hang during install showing Not Responding.
+SPR# MDAABLZGXN - Fixed the missing class in dconsole.jar that was causing scontroller/jconsole connection failure. This regression was introduced in 10.0.1FP4.
SPR# MKINBNJS4K - Domino - Fixed an issue where the fix pack installer was not updating the OSGI rpc plugins.
SPR# MOBNBEFTNB - Domino - LDAP server - Fixed an issue where photos are not getting returned from the Domino LDAP server search results.
SPR# MOBNBGBM76 - Domino - FT Indexing - Fixed an issue when the single document size limit is reached during FT indexing, what has been indexed so far is retained.
SPR# MOBNBGKV9P - Fixed a problem where particular NAMELookup calls would return an error ERR_NAMELOOKUP_TOO_BIG and cause a long held lock. Workaround was to set NAMELOOKUP_MAX_MB=1 to limit search results.
SPR# MOBNBHQNXJ - When SSL connections go bad due to failover or other reasons, we now detect it immediately, sever the connection and retry.
+SPR# MOBNBL4Q6G - When SSL connections go bad due to failover or other reasons, we now detect it immediately, sever the connection and retry.
SPR# NVENBN2UVS - Adminp - Added an INI to allow the admin to skip the check of the free disk space that is normally done before creating a new replica. The admin will have to confirm there is a enough free space using other tools. The INI to set is ADMINP_DISABLE_DISK_SPACE_CHECK=1
SPR# PKURBLAMMW - Domcfg database - Fixed an issue where Domcfg database gave error mapping handling (General errors) for a few sites. This was due to a limitation of 32 error mapping documents. Default is now 256 via INI DOMINO_MAX_CUSTOMRESPONSE_VIEW_ENTRIES, whereas the default before was 32.
SPR# PKURBEMAJ4 - Fixed a potential crash
SPR# RGAU9Y9NK2 - Fixed potential crash with Extmngr From Notes 901 C API Toolkit on Win 64
SPR# RSTNA92D6E - For complex queries generated by Websphere, we now enforce using FT if there is a NOT node and multiple AND nodes.
SPR# SKSWB83MHT - Fixed a problem where NotesHTTPRequest methods are throwing errors while executing on an OS400 system.
SPR# SKUEBEKBHV - Fixed a problem which could cause recently sent mail to appear as unread in the Sent folder when using a Thunderbird IMAP client with a Domino IMAP server.
SPR# SPPPBCLCX6 - Server - Fixed a crash that occurred when deletion logging was enabled under certain circumstances
SPR# SPPPBJXEZ8 - iSeries - Fixed a problem with message logging where an unneeded message warning messaging was being output resulting in too many message keys being used.


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