ITWU Simple Signature
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Get your perfect Lotus Notes signature - it's simple!

ITWU Simple Signature:
Takes e-mail signatures to another dimension.

Do not let your employees waste time and effort on taking care of their e-mail signature. Instead you should hand that over to ITWU Simple Signature in order to integrate personal contact information into your signatures, to provide multiple predefined signature templates to each user and to attach announcements of current events or new products to your signature.

ITWU Simple Signature enables you to simply create and specifically assign one or more signature templates to a person, a group or an organization. These templates are automatically filled with the appropriate personal contact information from within the Domino Directory in order to receive a standardized but personalized signature. With graphics and formatted text you can design your signature templates to represent your Corporate Identity and to serve as a free marketing platform.

What can ITWU Simple Signature do for me? On to "Benefits"

How does ITWU Simple Signature work? On to "Features"
