Working on a brand new version 3.0 of ITWU Simple Signature we have just extended our little digression towards signatures created with the administrative policies of IBM Notes and Domino that you can find on our website:
We have especailly thought about archiving and adding individual contact information to the signature and listed the pros and cons of the two different approaches of Domino policies and ITWU Simple Signature in the following feature list:
However, our final advice is to just combine the two "solutions" with each other to get the best out of your e-mail signatures.
If you want to know more about signatures created with IBM Domino policies just let us know, we are always happy to help you.
Additionally, if you have any suggestions for new features that we should add to ITWU Simple Signature Version 3.0, feel free to leave them in the comments. Let's see how many of your ideas will make it into the final release!